Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Basics

This is a simple collection of Cantonese recipes designed for a generation of people who didn't grow up having a huge role in the kitchen.

Most of these dishes are very basic, just to get you through the week, and the food portions are designed for one or two people with enough leftovers for lunch the next day.

I'll never use quantities based on measuring cups because I often find that I am without them. Rather than force promising chefs to waste money on material instead of quality ingredients, I will, instead, try to specify quantities based on silverware or dinnerware that I already own.

Outside of the regular seasonings (salt, pepper, etc.) you will use, here are some basic condiments/ingredients specific to Cantonese cuisine you will need for this type of cuisine. Keep in mind, there are many other sauces for this cuisine, but they can easily be made.
--Oyster sauce
--Soy sauce


Final note: Cooking may seem difficult when you first start, but once you get to know your taste, everything will fall together. That being said, the recipes on this blog do not have to be followed to a tee. Feel free to experiment according to your desires, and share your experiences with me and other fellow chefs!

Happy cooking, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea! I look forward to reading more. I don't know any Canto dishes, so this should be really fun. Thanks :-D
